Default standard opening and closing HTML code for emails and email templates
Why? So we don't have to add
<div style="margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;">
to the start of every email. 1. It's a pain in the butt to do it, and 2. It's way too easy for naive editors to remove it.
The reason for needing this margin is because, otherwise, WA emails run right up to the edge of a mobile screen, making it look unprofessional (NO other comparably formatted email in my inbox runs right to the edge), look like it was cut off, and unappealing to the eye.
The default code should be specifiable for opening and closing of the HTML section, and ideally should be defeatable (assuming there might be other code desired, although currently I can't think of any such additional need).

As far as I understand your request, you want to insert unclosed html tags in the begining of the email and then close it at the end. Such behavior will not allow the rest of the email to render, so we can’t allow that.
However the new email editor has default margins (20px), so content on mobile screens will not stick to the edges.
Thanks for the idea, we'll take it into consideration.
I can see you have a lot of pre-defined templates. But none of them has these margins applied. Why don't you use a custom template with those margins applied to every content area as a source for your future emails? This might save you some extra work.