Make lists accessible in full, not in groups of 50
Can you please make the contact and member list available all on one page? It is extremely tedious to have to click between pages, especially because every time you look at one name and then go back to the list, it goes back to the beginning of the list, instead of to where you just were! I can't believe this is not a feature yet. Thank you

This is not in our priorities for now, though I understand what you mean. For now, I can suggest using quick search function – just type several letter for name and it will show the contact.
Craig Singer commented
The current numeric-only pagination is rather unhelpful and, frankly, primitive.
DeeDee commented
I do not understand why if I am on page two of the email log and look at a particular email that was sent, when I click on the Back button it takes me to the beginning of the list. Back usually takes you back one screen, not to the beginning.