Make only the bundled administrator count towards membership.
Is there a way to make the bundled membership administrator the only one that "counts" as a member? When we, as a chamber, include even bundled members, it skews our numbers.

Becky Parsons commented
There is a big difference between "members" and "memberships". We need the Summary page to give us the statistics for "memberships". We rely on the numbers of total, current, late memberships for budgetary planning. About half of our membership levels allow bundled memberships. So when our board sees the number of "members" as shown on the Summary, they assume that is the number of paid "memberships" we have. Very misleading. It requires manual mathematical calculations to determine the number of paid "memberships".
J Black commented
We have a similar issue ... Companies are MEMBERS and each MEMBER COMPANY may have several contacts.
Tracy commented
This would be great if the new added persons in the bundle admin's profile could be optionally set as a contact, and not as a member. They don't always need the privileges that being a member has. This is a BIG decision factor in transfering our site to use WildApricot.
The bundle membership plan is efficient in keeping data of all dependents under the main member, plus being able to have the dependents linked to the main bundle member is great. Just need an option for them to be contacts and not members.