Member app - allow members to communicate with each other (i.e. access WA forums)
Add access to the member forum to the mobile member app
Our organization is a community and we rely on the sharing and of information on the online forum. We would like to see the forum added to the member app to drive participation.

Karen commented
Would be beneficial if members could manage their forum and topic subscriptions in the app along with an option to receive push notifications as a subscription option.
Kessa G commented
That would help so much! Great idea!!
Taylor Singh commented
Yes, please!! I was disappointed to see the Forum has not been included in your new app. Don't get me wrong - I'm so very grateful this new app exists - but the forum is integral to our network of parents and having it included on your app would be very greatly used and appreciated!! Thank you very kindly for your consideration!
Anonymous commented
I would like our members to be able to access the WA forum through the member app
Jim Biram commented
Access club forum with a mobile app such as Tapatalk