Don't Display Incorrect Payment Instructions on Profile Page (Bug Fix)
When there are outstanding invoices, the profile page displays the General payment instructions (from Settings / Finance / Payment settings).
But some invoices may have different payment instructions, specified either in the event or membership instructions in that setting, or in the specific event.
Nevertheless the profile page displays the General payment instructions, which may be incorrect. So the member can send a payment to the wrong place.
I recommend that If any of the outstanding invoice(s) have custom or different payment instructions, do not display the General payment instructions. Instead, say "Click invoice for payment instructions."
I suggest that giving incorrect payment instructions is a bug. I was told to "Put it on the wishlist" so am doing that too.

Archived due to the absence of new votes and activity.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Katya, yes, you could always display "Click invoice below for payment instructions." on the profile page. This is the minimum fix.
I would like it better if, in the case that there is only one invoice, you display the payment instructions from the invoice.
But since I am always saying not to delay a quick fix now for a perfect one later, I will have to accept this if you say it. :)
Walt, thanks for sharing
This totally makes sense. What about another option: do not display General instruction, but display the information that the payment instruction presented in the specific invoice, so members could find it there?
Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot