Ability to remove or turnoff Preheader from Emails
It appears that we either will have both a header and a pre-header in email templates or neither. I wish that we had the capability to remove a pre-header or prevent it from displaying in the emails.
Right now, all I can do is leave it blank, but it still displays as two lines of empty space in my emails.

Hi Kevin and DeeDee,
I’m archiving this thread because pre-header area is a simply the very same content area as the one below. The only difference is the content (and the transparent background.
The padding or margin settings might be the reason for a greater gap than you expect it to be. There is a capability to minimize that area. The proposed actions would be:
- Remove text or other objects from the pre-header area
- Set margin and padding settings to 0 (these settings can be found on the left panel while the area is active, clicked on)
Hope that helps!
Wild Apricot, Emailing development department
Kevin Tostado commented
I only have been using the pre-header, but in checking the settings I've been using, neither uses padding or margins, and I never put text in the one that I am not using, yet it still shows up as a blank area in my emails.
DeeDee commented
Yes please. I don't use a pre-header, but I do use a header. Currently, I have to use both and change the background on the pre-header or else it looks weird.