Copy 'Change status to Lapsed' to automatic actions for grace period
Membership Renewal Policy: Copy the functionality of the second "If not renewed within x days" to the first. We want a membership which expired to change from Pending Renewal to Lapsed. After x days later, we want to void the invoice and change the status to Suspended. Not all associations offer a grace period after the expiration date.
Charlie commented
Yes, this is an issue. If a lapsed member generates a renewal and then doesn't pay it they stay pending perpetually and continue to show up in the member directory. On a related note, those who are active and generate a renewal invoice switch to pending renewal even if their due date hasn't passed yet. I would prefer they remain "active"...
Yes please. Include a check box to permit a Member to be lapsed at the time of the Grace period email aka as per the final suspension option. Same functionality, just gives organizations more control as to the orderly lapsing and subsequent Suspension and archiving of a non payer. Currently achieving this by manual intervention. Lapsing a member and voiding their renewal invoice simultaneously is not logical as lapsed members can recover by paying.
DeeDee commented
Yes, this way after 30 days they could be changed to Lapsed and after 60 days archived.