Remember event access restrictions and last selection on Select recipients dialog for event announcements
Current behavior:
When admin needs to send or resend an event announcement (buttons "Send now" and "Send again") he/she has to select recipients in popup dialog every time because "All contacts" option is always selected by default.
Desired behavior:
1. If event has a restricted access (membership levels and/or groups) the same restriction should be applied by default in "Select recipients" dialog.
2. System remembers previous selection in this dialog when re-sending an announcement email.

Nobie commented
We would like to change the default contact list for Announcement emails, as a first step. The second is the restricted access levels per #1 in the original request.
Lisa M commented
Please branch if you feel this is a different issue but shouldn't event email blasts respect the visibility restrictions of the event? Defaulting and remembering the setting would be ideal but you might consider taking it a step further and systematically preventing event emails from being sent to recipients who don't actually have visibility to that event. Similar to preventing email blasts to opted-out contacts.