Remain within current contact financials upon deleting an invoice or payment. Is this a bug?
Is this a bug?
For various reasons, there are times which arise when an invoice or payment needs to be deleted. It frustrates us that each time we delete an invoice or payment within a particular contact's financial transactions, we are consistently redirected out to the global financial page for invoices or payments, respectively.
If we are editing financials at the contact level, we should be returned to that contact's financials alone. More often than not, there are still other tasks to perform within the contact. It takes a lot of unnecessary extra steps to get back to where we need to be when we are redirected away.
I will admit that once in a blue moon, it actually does stay within the current contact's financial info (but very rarely). This makes me wonder if this issue is simply a bug, and the expected behavior is actually to stay within the current contact.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Released in 5.12.2 on 12 Oct 2017
Release notes:
This is definately a bug, thanks for reporting on this.
I'll follow up with you as soon as we fix it.Thanks again,
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team