Change Event Details Contact from Org Contact to Event Organizer
Currently, when a member views an existing registration, they see a link "To change or cancel, contact administrator." The link emails the default Organization contact, usually the webmaster.
It makes more sense to have that link email the Event organizer.
The Organization contact isn't likely to be involved in every event, particularly in a large organization. So in addition to all his/her other jobs, he now has to handle every request for a reservation change for every event, even if only to forward it to an administrator.
It makes more sense to have the Event organizer receive the requests for each event. A request might be a simple question or otherwise not require an administrator, and if it does, the Event organizer might either be an admin or can forward the request to one. In any case, the Event organizer should be the one to be aware of these requests and the webmaster should not be bothered with them.
Everyone agrees that eventually the member should be able to change or cancel their own registration, making this suggestion unnecessary. But even though there are 237 votes for this feature, "eventually" can be a long time. This is a simple change and should be made now.

Dan Rutledge commented
hopefully this wouldn't be a large change as it's just changing the default option of a radio button.
The fact that the option is on a separate tab let's people remember to set it while creating events. -
Tara commented
I agree that the default option should be to make the user who creates the event the Event Organizer, not the Organization Contact.
Elizabeth Bass Webmaster commented
I agree. I wish that the default was to have the person who is currently logged in and creating the event as the Event Organizer. As webmaster for my organization, I never want to be listed as the Event Organizer for any events, but that is the default, so I have to make sure that any event that is created is updated to whoever created it.