Need transaction description to go to PayPal
Want more information to be passed to PayPal from Wild Apricot (e.g. what payment is for - membership, event payment) and which program a donation is being directed to (e.g. 1st fundraising campaign, 2nd fundraising campaign).

Rich Holler commented
When a member uses PayPal to pay for something (i.e. membership renewal), there are a couple bits of data from the member's record that is passed to PayPal and then used as a "Memo" on the PayPal transaction. Unfortunately, the data being passed is not configurable.
It would be a great benefit if we could optionally configure our *own* bit of text and macros that would be sent to PayPal for their Memo field, so that we could better identify what the transaction is for, what membership ID it applies to, etc.
Melissa commented
It would be great if we could include account numbers when setting up events, memberships, store items, etc.
Rich Holler commented
In our PayPal account, I see that each transaction has a "memo" field which contains data provided by WildApricot (i.e. "Membership renewal. Level: [level name]. Renew to 31-Oct-2019" It would be great if we could customize that memo data, or at least include additional Member or Contact fields (such as MemberID)
Rich Holler commented
It would be quite helpful if we could select additional Member or Contact fields (i.e. MemberID) that would be sent to PayPal, to help us properly identify and track the payment at the other end of the process.
Michelle Sahu-Khan commented
This feature would be fantastic
Anonymous commented
When I run a report of transactions on Paypal, the report (as picture below) shows details such as Item title, Item ID, Balance, and Subject. These details are the same details which I believe are picked up from the invoice of membership application/ renewal generated by Wild Apricot system. Paypal has confirmed that these fields are sent from Wild Apricot to them to process. I recognised that the information of Item Title and Subject are doubled up. I would like a different information from the invoice to be picked up and displayed for the Subject column when exporting the Paypal report OR it would be better for the user to add additional information in the invoice which would then be displayed as an additional column on Paypal report.
Ed Emond-Worline commented
Would like to see you add the WA member name to the PayPal records. We often see one name renewed in WA and a different name in PayPal - because the partner/spouse/friend used their credit card to join/renew for a member. It makes it hard to compare/reconcile the two systems.
Rick commented
This is critical for bookkeeping and reconciling accounts with out a lot of extra work. We have 7 Wild Apricot accounts so this change would mean a lot to us.
Nalini @ Provient commented
If you could add the event tags too for event payments, it would make Auditors life easy.
Nick Tate commented
Yes, the more detail that can be provided from WA to PayPal so that it is easier to reconcile the better - also vice versa - the registration report for an event should include a link to the PayPal payment
GOPS Webmaster commented
We are getting membership and event descriptions in our PayPal transaction - individual payments and a monthly report. However, when one member pays for say two annual memberships (their own and their spouse), the PayPal transaction says "membership" and the applicable WA invoice #, but it does not include the member's name for who the payment was made. In a few cases, some members let invoices age and then pay for several events at the same time - again, only invoice #'s are shown. We track membership payments in our finance system (Quicken) via name, not WA invoice #. Add the Member's name in the PayPal transaction would be a great help in recording the correct member's name in Quicken. Our Membership Chair (uses WA) and our Finance Person (uses Quicken) spend way too many hours trying to balance the two systems each month with new and renewal payments.
Jon Carlson commented
Hannah Bell commented
Agreed! We have to manually update a monthly paypal report cross referencing to membership report, event report, and other activity. inclusion of this field would be very helpful