Leadership Gadget
I would love to have a gadget to display the names/titles of our association's leadership - for example, to appear as a side bar on a page. I realize I could use a Content Gadget to create such a list but since this is probably something that most (all?) groups that use Wild Apricot would like, it would be nice to save all of us from having to duplicate that design effort. It would also be great if that gadget could also be incorporated into a newsletter template.

Jon Reneberg commented
Would love to see this incorporated much more in the way that organizational macros are. Actually, the ability to create custom organizational macros and use them anywhere in page content would be ideal! I would love to be able to have {BoardPresidentEmail} and variations of that type of orgizational information in various places within the site, and usable in emails.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Thanks, Katya. This would be almost perfect except for two things.
1) We need our officers listed in a specific order, so need the ability to sort the members in the list rather than random order. I will add this feature request to wishlist item https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/11177109-more-options-for-featured-member .
2) None of our member information is visible to the public, so non-members couldn't see our officers' list. If we make member names publicly visible, what other places could visitors see them?
What about Featured member gadget? https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Featured%20member%20gadget
No Search box, all Privacy settings are applied, you can select who is listed and that fields you want to display.
Also, you can put several gadgets on one page.Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot -
Walt Bilofsky commented
Evgeny, this sounds like a good idea. We already have a member field with the leadership titles. We want them listed in a particular order, but could add an internal field to sort on.
But I ran into a couple of problems.
1. How to get rid of the Search box at the top of the list?
2. How to put two directory gadgets (one for our Board, the other for Committee Chairs) on the same page?
3. Privacy. We default all fields to member access only. So the directory gadget comes up empty unless the user is logged in. We would have to make names and email addresses public access (and apply this by hand to all existing members, or at least the officers, because it's not something we can import, right?). And then what are the privacy implications of marking all these fields public access?
Why not using a member directory gadget? You can create a page, add there a member directory gadget with special filter parameters - e.g. all your leaders are part of some group.