Clean your contacts database
This could be via reporting or via a new contacts clean up function. We created our contacts list by merging various other lists and we are aware that there are people on that list who have never opened an email.
It would be great to have a way to search for contacts who have not opened an email in a set time frame, such as a year, and then archive all of them in one hit. We struggle to keep our contacts list within the 500 limit so this would be a great feature of us.

Linda Copeland commented
This is REALLY important, because the bump from our 500-contact plan up to the next level (2,000) is $1200 additional per year. That on top of the recent price increases is making us consider other alternatives that charge based on number of members and not contacts.
We, too, have bee frustrated with having to go through record-by-record to MANUALLY analyze whether to archive a record and then MANUALLY archive it. This is really laborious and time-consuming, which is the opposite of the reason we chose Wild Apricot in the first place.
I would really like to be able to search for everybody who has not opened an email within the last month, 6 months, year, or more than a year. I would also like system help on how to clean up the contacts list.
Anonymous commented
The cost of crossing over a contact count and forcing you to the next level plan is significant with no real extra value....just because a bunch of contacts have been generated...perhaps via guest registrations....doesn't create any additional revenue for the organization.
I would much prefer pricing was based on users that have actually logged into the system.
Penny Miller commented
I would like to query the Email history that is posted on Contacts:
Email history: 37 (2 opened / 0 clicked / 0 failed)
Becky Parsons commented
This is a feature I have been requesting for years. We use the "percent opened" features and "percent clicked" numbers to evaluate the effectiveness and engagement of our emails. When we can't weed out the dead weight from our email contacts, our "open rate" and "click rate" percentages look artificially and horribly low. What good are those percentages if we don't have good tools to manage our contact list?
Now it's necessary to manually click on every contact (we have 1200+) and see how long it has been since an email was opened and then manually archive each one if it has been too long since an email was opened.
And then there are those people who subscribe online, or sign up for our email list at an event, and then never, ever open an email. I recently ran across a name on our email list that had been there 4 years and never opened a single email.
Please give us the tools to manage this!
We need report search criteria to include:
(1) Date last email opened is {equal to, greater than, less than}
(2) Percent of total emails opened is {equal to, greater than, less than}Adding these two items to the search criteria would be a huge help and a huge time saver.
And here would be the supreme improvement: The ability to then automatically archive a group identified by these search criteria. And we need the ability to key in a free form message that will be be incorporated into the "notes" field of the group we archive (such as, "archived on <date> due to email inactivity) .