Orbital Gateway support
Hello! We have been super impressed with the features and functionality of the site so far and are appreciative of all the work your team does. This request is for Payment Options, our organization uses Chase Paymentech with the Orbital Gateway and we would like to see built in support to the WildApricot system rather than having to go through CRE Secure (who is extremely unresponsive and does not give off the feeling of optimal data security). We would also like to see PayPal's PayFlow Link supported as well and although that system requires using their Hosted Checkout Page, it would be nice to not have to spend the $25 on the PayFlow Pro. Thanks!
Not in our plans
Separated original post into 2 distinct ideas
Anonymous commented
We would love to have full support for the CRE Secure Payment gateway - particularly recurring payment feature. Please advise when CRE leaves beta status
Andria Krakow commented
It would be great if we could get full support for the CRE Secure payment, especially Chase Paymentech Orbital. The current beta status does not allow for full functionality, such as the lack of charging credit cards from the administrator panel.