Improve QB and WA Integration
Better Quickbooks integration. Or provide for $100 a service fee to set it up for your customers. I called many of your WA authorized partners, and none wanted to help with this. I'd be more than willing to pay $100 up to $150 for this help. Also, having 'items' in WA would help with the interface. Plus, the tax settings between QuickBooks and WA is not fully flushed out. We have to turn off Taxes is QB to allow the interface to work. Then have to remember to turn it back on.
Alex Sirota commented
NewPath Consulting offers a solution with lots of features including automatic syncing to QBO. Have a look
susan commented
The current functionality of the QuickBooks-Wild Apricot interface is very limited. Combine all the suggestions for improvement and make an investment in really making the interface meaningful. Generally the current "interface" is very rudimentary and of limited benefit. Most users report having to create work arounds to use it at all.
susan commented
More robust assistance with export of data to Quick Books would be appreciated. I reviewed the online tutorials and had additional questions. I called technical support and was advised that the team has limited experience with Quick Books and directed me to Quick Books for help.
Terri Lahey commented
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