emails: choose a list of contacts and then manually be able to delete or add individual contacts to that list
Many many things. But one is the following. When sending an email blast I would like to be able to choose a list of contacts and then manually be able to delete or add individual contacts to that list. There might be someone who is in a list I made of donors that have donated since 2012 that I do not want to email this time. I can't seem to do that currently.

Sue commented
I found a work-around. I created an "event" and in the email announcement, I put my email with my /request/question/survey. As people respond, I "register" them for the event. Then the next time I send out the announcement email, they are not included.
Sue commented
I couldn't agree more! I frequently send a request to a list of contacts - an request, a question, a survey, etc. I want to be able to send the email again, but delete the people who have already replied. Currently, I just have to start the email with an apology to everyone who already replied!
Robin Sapiro commented
Added variation would be to select all members in the initial selection and then be able to deselect from list or to have an additional option when selecting recipients of excluding certain members/groups
Teri Colvin commented
It would be nice to have a select box next to each member's name on the "add recipient" screen to be able to select more than one member at a time when sending out an email to several people, not the whole membership, where the criteria for sending the email isn't an "advanced search" option. Recently, in an effort to improve our member directory, I needed to send an email to everyone that hadn't submitted a picture. There currently isn't an advanced search option for those without pictures. In order to send one email to 235 people, I had to click +contact, use the drop down to find the recipients paging option, scroll to find the name and then click select - 235 times. I didn't want to build a contact list because the list won't be the same ever again. (It would be nice to have a paging option of "all" too.)
We are "Husky" development team at Wild Apricot named, responsible for emailing area of the product.
We've already made big improvements to our emailing workflow which will be our next release. But to move further we need your help.
If you’re willing to help us, please follow the link below and answer a few questions.
We're looking forward to reading your feedback.
Lily, Husky Team at Wild Apricot
Emailing development crew.