Polls – for collecting member feedback and voting (e.g. elections)
Current situation
Polls are not supported, an external tool must be used (e.g. wufoo.com)
The ability to create polls that can be sent to members

Hello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that now the Polls feature is available for all our clients.
Thanks for participating in beta-testing, valuable comments, kind words and positive feedback!
We already created several threads based on your comments (more than 10!), you can find them by “poll” keyword: https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist?query=poll
Have a great day!
CMS crew @ Wild Apricot
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
Current features:
Polls are not supported, an external polling tool (e.g. wufoo.com) must be used.Desired feature:
Admins have the ability to create a polls that can be placed within a page.