Make Member directory listing fit more than 1st 50 members at a time
Referring to the Member directory listing, please make the listing quantity bigger. Currently only my 1st 50 members get most publicity, because then website visitors have to click on the drop down menu to get the next few members on the list. Most web visitors do not do that. They see the list of 50 that is open, and miss the rest.

Amelia Montgomery commented
I agree: it would be great to see more than 50 members at a time
Craig Singer commented
Show All should be an option
Veronica Kemper commented
We have the same issue. Please allow Show All option or give an option for a break-on number.
Anonymous commented
Agree. Being able to show all rather than a non-descript "1-50" would be ideal. Allow user to select 'show all' or paginate.
But the paginate feature should be similar to how admins view Member lists where it uses the first few characters of each last name to show what "1-50" refers to. This is one time, where the admin paginate should have been used for public viewing.
Crystal Reynolds commented
Is there a workaround for this with CSS? I would love the option to "show all" on the directory page as a default.