Allow negative day(s) offsets in Renewal Policy
Our club needs to send out renewal invoices and reminders on or after the renewal date, not before. It would seem easy :) to implement this by allowing negative day(s) offsets in the Renewal Policy.
We send renewal notices on the renewal date. The member remains in good standing for 60 days, after which they have a short grace period and then become lapsed.
This could be entered on the Renewal Policy by sending the invoice 0 days before renewal date, following up with a reminder 30 days after the renewal date, and then sending the grace period notice 60 days after.
But WA won't accept a renewal reminder "-30 days before" the renewal date.
A workaround could be to have an artificial renewal date 60 days after the real one, but that would mess up dues proration for new members and probably other things too.

This looks like an exceptional case and no one has commented on this for quite some time. I believe that as a workaround you can use “Renewal day email notice” email as a first reminder, then “Grace period email notice” sent after 30 days as a second reminder and then “Lapsed email” after 60 days to set status to Lapsed.
Closing the suggestion.
Walt Bilofsky commented
I understand no one has commented on it, but I suggest that is because people don't understand the usefulness.
The workaround doesn't work for us because we want to send three emails out after the renewal date, and the system only permits two.
And really, it's a teeny tiny change.