rss reader gadget
Hello there!
Do you think would be too complex to add an rss reader to gadgets?
Actually i use the external code to show rss feeds, but i'd like to add more integration with users profile and so on....
Laura McElfresh commented
We would like to pull content from a digital repository into our WildApricot site.
Matthew Clark commented
Agreed! This would be very useful.
Connie Clem commented
Our organization also would like to be able to pull content from a WordPress blog into our WildApricot site.
Anonymous commented
Agree - Would like to have one to help keep our website engaging and informative with a constant flow of fresh information.
Christopher Jones commented
Not sure why I thought I saw a gadget for an RSS Feed, but was wrong. There should be one available to help keep our website engaging and informative with a constant flow of fresh information. If that info can be updated in real time, even that much more better. Surprised a Feed Gadget isn't available. Hopefully one will be now.
Until then, is there a Feed Reader workaround that can be recommended? Maybe add it to the HTML gadget, then embed a feed reader and then the actual feed? Just asking since I am not tech savvy.
Kevin Staton commented
I'd like to have one to update our members on news from a parent organization.
Stephanie Lee commented
This is exactly what I need!! Pulling articles from blogs, websites, news sites, aggregate them, but post only what's related to us, automatically, whenever the source updates. Right now, I'm having to copy the entire article, with the link, paste it in a blog post. Update the header, time, author... waaaayyyy too much work.
Erica Peterson commented
We'd like this feature as well. Several of our members have blogs, podcasts, or youtube channels that are related to our club topic. We'd like to be able to aggregate these posts into a feed that displays on our site, so the membership can see all this media in one place.
Scott Hendison commented
Yep, sure would be a nice addition. You have this article showing how to MAKE a feed but there's no way to display one? Seems sorta silly...
Dwight Gunn commented
It would be great if there was a way to add an RSS feed to the blog widget so that an RSS feed from another site will populate it.
Rob commented
It would be nice to be able to add an RSS to certain pages so that members could stay abreast of when it is updated.
This is different than say a blog or an event. It could just be a general page - but one that has content that can change on a random basis.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I have no answer, Antonio. We will have to take it into our Roadmap - and we won't until we have at least 10 authors here.
Meanwhile, can you please describe the overall scenario / task you want to accomplish? The more details you provide, the easier it for us to move forward.