Event Registration to NOT create invoice
We are not using the financial components of WA and do not want event registration to create an invoice.

Walt, you can turn off automatic invoice sending in Invoice and receipt settings. To do so, just uncheck "Send invoices for pending payments" option.
Oleg, Payments team @ Wild Apricot
Walt Bilofsky commented
We find the invoices a mixed blessing. The nag popup for events and renewals is useful. We can print out a registration list to use at the door to see who still needs to pay.
But we don't do our bookkeeping in WA, so it would be helpful to be able to just void out all invoices in an event, or better yet, have them automatically void themselves after the event.
And please, please - an option to never email an invoice to a member. It's just noise to them, and the more useless emails they get, the less likely they are to read the ones we want them to.
This goes for both events and membership renewal, although I think there's a way to avoid the email in membership.
Harley, could you please elaborate what's the problem with invoices in your scenario?
If I got you right, you don't want to keep unpaid invoices for registrations. Do you want to keep registrations then? May be this idea is more relevant: https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/8826850 ?Thanks,
Oleg, Payments Crew -
Harley Cozewith commented
We ARE using the financial component to WA, but we ask our members to pay for their events at the time of registration. It is a huge problem for us to try to chase people down for the money if they ask to be invoiced. We require that events are paid up front. Please consider have a switch to choose invoicing as an option in an event.
Not generating invoices means that you won't be able to track payments in Wild Apricot - neither for events, not for anything else - otherwise you will get weird over-payment situations, etc.
I'd be grateful, if you elaborate why you want to track event payments the way yo want. Is there something missing in WA for this?We also have a related thread https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8826691-do-not-mark-as-free-events-which-involve-expense, which suggests some workarounds - may be this will be helpful as well.
Oleg aka ONe Apricot @ Payments team
Ann Koedding commented
We have monthly meetings that cost $10 to attend. We only collect payment at the event. We DO NOT want to generate invoices for these payments. If we put the cost $10 in the event, it automatically generates invoices which have to be deleted after the event or the member gets notice when they login that they owe $10.
How do we stop generating invoices for events automatically? We have put in that the event is “FREE” but that is also confusing even though the notes specify a $10 payment. This is driving me crazy. Can you put in an option to not generate automatic invoices? -
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Do you want to disable the whole Finances module for your account (like it will not work for membership as well), or it's only for specific cases - like events, or even specific events?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I assume that you do not want to use Finances at all - remove the tab, do not generate invoices for membership, do not have payment receipts, etc. Is this correct?
Andrea Keifer commented
Please add a feature that allows us to determine whether we will activate the invoice part of the program. Often times, we use our finance system to invoice and track payments rather than using an ancillary system to do so. We would like the registration to be confirmed for these participants rather then set to pending.
Thank you.