Contact Self-Service Proof of Attendance Report
A contact that is not a site administrator should be able to sign in, go to their member page where they can see their profile, privacy, email subscriptions, etc., and see a past events attended list. They should be able to print this page as proof of attendance. So a date range selection, so if I want to print only a certain range of events that would be possible. Once they have the list narrowed down to the desired date range, there should be a print button that would show the list in a printable format and from which they would be able to print. This would be used as continuing education credit proof of attendance. I, as a site administrator, can see this page for all contacts. If contacts can see this page themselves, they can print their own proof of attendance without coming to me to get it. This should be available to all contacts, not just members.

the events on the contact profile says their event registration is "Confirmed". It needs to say "Attended" if they were checked in at the event. So they can print this page as self-service proof of attendance.