Expense Reports for EVENTS
I think I saw this mentioned in a different converstaion heading. I would love to be able to add expense reports to event reports. The whole move it over to excel isn't working well for me. We don't have quick books either.
It would be nice to record who we wrote expense checks to from our membership and for what, like an invoice payment that we make to them and for what. Then
The member would have easy record to yes, we did send you check number.....
- even cooler if we could just make it back to our members through the authorize.net payment system...
Then we could get a better handle on what the event actually costs and if our fees for the event cover the actual costs.
Basically, love the financial reports, but would like to add more info and management to it.

Roger Brooks commented
IMHO, the descriptions in the comments to date do not go far enough. This is what we need from an expenses module:
1. Ability to enter an expense item and upload a corresponding receipt. This could be of general use.
2. It should be possible to assign the expense to a category. In the case of event expenses, it should be possible to assign expenses to a particular event.
3. It should be possible to track expense reimbursement, whether paid out manually or credited via PayPal.
4. It should be possible to weigh the expenses of an event against the revenue in something like a cashflow or profit/loss report, to get an idea of the net result.
5. To make it really useful, there should also be a way to set a budget and to track budget vs. actual (ideally for both income and expenses). This could also be of general use, i.e. not limited to events. -
Karl Hakkarainen commented
We also have a need to record the expenses for an event. We charge fee to cover meals or for travel events to cover transportation, admissions, and meals. We'd like to be able to see if our fees cover our expenses.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Good, thanks for sharing. But we will not be doing anything here for now until it gets to our Roadmap - see more details at http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827717-roadmap-2015-plans-releases-expected-dates
Michele Tarsitano-Amato commented
Yes. That is it.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
You mean that you have some expenses related to the event and want to track the expenses somehow in the event?