Gocardless system for UK to take Direct Debit
We were contacted by Gocardless UK payment provider, they asked if we can support their system for Wild Apricot, as they already work with several other membership software packages.
We've looked into their development specifications https://developer.gocardless.com/#introduction and we can theoretically develop support for this system, but we're not sure if this is the best candidate so far. For example, we are looking into direction of eWay (http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827633-e-way-integration-for-recurring-payments-in-aus-n ) and Stripe (http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827591-stripe-credit-card-processor-integration-16645 )
I created this topic to collect comments from our customers on Gocardless. Please, feel free to post here if you think this is important system to have support for.

Grace Janice commented
I have been using https://www.invoicecloud.net/industries/consumer-finance but i believe go cardless has some really nice features too.
Will Ton commented
Another supporter for GoCardless - im surprised this has received little attention since 2014. Many AMS options in the UK support DD payments and WA is losing out by not having this integration.
Jenny Lawrence commented
agree totally with the other comments on this, I would like to add direct debit facilities and would consider moving to a different membership software provider before we get too big, just to have this functionality.
Not quite sure why you have not done this as comments started in 2014 and Gocardless are just getting bigger! -
David Gavine commented
I use gocardless with one of the other membership systems that they have an agreement with (webcollect). After one year of use, it is working well. No problems with the linking up of different parts of the system. I don't know the reasons for you saying that stripe is superior (which I see is now supported) I've had a look at Stripe.com and it doesn't yet support UK banking transfer or direct debit. UK system for UK banking.
Steve McCarthy commented
Reading postings relating to direct debits I am getting the impression WA people do not understand what they are. They enable direct payments from the customer's bank account direct to the 'supplier's' bank account.
All utility and telecom companies use them as the preferred payment method so they are well understood by all the population. The payments are very well protected under tight regulations.
GoCardless is the market leader in providing an integrated easy to use system to allow the customer to securely set up the service without providing their bank account details to the supplier, which was the normal situation.
They only charge 1% which makes it a no brainer as the payment solution of choice for many organisations like clubs and other memb. orgs.The integration cannot be that difficult because I know of 2 very small WA competitors who have done it easily. The info from GoCardless about their API is excellent.
Steve McCarthy commented
I agree, WA is now losing out on UK opportunities in my experience.
Local competitors offer both Paypal and GoCardless -
Steve McCarthy commented
Definetly in the UK GoCardless is an excellent payment method and much preferred by small organisations because the cost in only 1% per transaction maxed at £2
I am looking at a memb. mgt. solution for another organisation and the final decision was against WA because no direct debit support -
John Sharkey commented
I would definitely advise adding this integration. Several member orgs here in the UK have gone with a competing product which integrates with Go Cardless, which is the leading direct debit software here.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No, no way for you to do the integration; it should be done by our developers.
Andrew Ormerod commented
Hi Team ApricotWe would most definitely support the GoCardless program as we use this but have to set users up separate your your site.It would most certainly ensure you retained us for longer as a customer and also we would use your system for future development.Is there A way we can integrate them at present ?
grahamgardiner commented
Increasingly, we are getting members wanting to pay us with Direct Debit.
We want this too as it makes recurring payments very easy, safer for members and great for members with no credit cards.
We are using a wonderful platform called Go Cardless (.com) and would love this to be integrated with WA.
Nigel Baker commented
None of your partners provide direct debit payments in the UK - we only have a few members who use recurring card payments - direct debit is the way forwards (bank to bank via a provider such as Go Cardless
We like your software but can't use it effectively unless you can link to someone like Go Cardless
It should not be hard to do as it would link in s similar way to recurring card payments through your and Go Cardless's API's
Please move it to the top of your development list!