Viewing gadget in page templates when editing...
Editing in page templates would be much more efficient if the specific gadgets in each placeholder were visible just as they are when editing in site pages. Currently the gadgets are not visible; I have to go back several times to change/check the gadget and/or placeholder. Please make it a priority to give users the ability to see the gadgets in page templates instead of seeing "Page specific gadgets used on 1 page(s)" in every placeholder.

R M Amato commented
This is critical. We spend too much time looking at where things are located. As the site keeps growing, we need the ability to know where something is located.
Scott Kolar commented
When you go into Edit on a template, all the pages that use the template are displayed in the left sidebar as part of the template settings.
Would it be possible that, when you click on a placeholder, all the pages that have page specific gadgets for that placeholder be displayed on the left sidebar as part of the placeholder's settings?
Oliver Thompson commented
At the very least, please list the pages where the placeholder is in use!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Well, the problem that there can be (and usually are) more than 1 page specific gadget used on pages that use current template. This is the idea of a template - one template is used on several pages and each page can (and will) have it's own extra gadgets there. So, I do not really know how to solve this problem in general case. Ideas?