Add user information in hidden input tags to each page
Any page personalization or links to other sites with user identifiers as URL parameters is very complex because this info is only available on the user's profile page and has to be scraped from that page. This results in some very convoluted javascript with cross page dependencies. Also, whenever Wild Apricot changes the format of the profile page, the custom javascript will break.
Can you please add input hidden tags with some key user profile values to every page:
<input type="hidden" id="UserID" name="UserID" value="12345678" />
<input type="hidden" id="UserName" name="UserName" value="Joe User" />
<input type="hidden" id="UserEmail" name="UserEmail" value="" />
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I'm not sure why you need this. Can you please explain what are trying to achieve with this?