Pull member data from Linkedin profile
Provide the option to populate a member's profile from their Linkedin profile - such as for a bio.

The CLUB - Incubator of Women Leaders commented
Linkedin is the de facto source for professional/employment information and thereby having access to that data on our wild apricot site will make sure the membership database always has the most consistent data for current professional title, description and work information, eliminating our users having to duplicate their information.
Michael Armata commented
This would be useful for us as well. We have many contacts and/or members who don't fill in certain information, and even if they do, the information changes as their employment & career changes and they don't update their profile. Hence, over time we often lose touch with our contacts or members (company emails change) and must manually find them on Linkedin to reconnect.
megan commented
This feature would be very useful for my organization, particularly in allowing members to easily see who is professionally a good match for mentoring.
Joe Lindahl commented
We would like to see this functionality as well. We use an LMS that allows this integration - it's a quick and easy import of professional info, things chapter members may otherwise not bother to upload.
bhmandel commented
This feature would be very useful for my team as well. Some platforms offer the option to sign in using one's LinkedIn or Facebook credentials, and the platform then imports certain profile data from the third-party page. One advantage of this is that users wouldn't need to manage multiple profiles - every time they signed into Wild Apricot using their LinkedIn info, for instance, it would import any updates of their information to their Wild Apricot profile.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you elaborate on the scenario of how people would be using this?