Member to Member Feedback
Our members will be interacting with each other. It would be great if they could rate the experience much like ebay does between seller and buyer with cumulative scores and short comments. Any chance of this happening? We could write such a feature and others into a separate program, but we are unsure if we could interact with WA software. In theory we could with Javascript, but we have been advised of the posibility being remote. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.

MarkFW commented
Item 2 you listed may work. Exporting data based on unique keys like member numbers would work so long as we could go to an extension and return when done. In theory, a member would be graded by each interacting member and that would develop an average score with feedback so other members could see if they wanted to contact a member or not.
Love the product you have. Service is great too.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I agree that this is unlikely to be feasible with Javascript - e.g. scores would have to be stored somewhere on the server and Javascript can't do that.
Please describe in more detail how this would work and then there are two possibilities:
1) If we have many other users support this, we would consider developing. Frankly, this is not very likely at least for a couple of years as this seems a pretty unique functionality.
2) We will start rolling out API this year. For starters it will be to read the data from Wild Apricot. We subsequently plan to add capabilities to write data. This might allow creating a third-party extension integrated with Wild Apricot.