Round up to nearest whole number for prorated fees
is there anything in the works for rounding up prorated membership fees? We would really appreciate it, as we have several members paying in cash, and our currence (Swiss Franc) doesn't use "cents" anymore.
thanks much.
Int'l Women's Club of Lucerne

Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
The round up thing does not apply for everyone. So we're speaking about some new settings, this has to be designed, developed and tested, before we can release it for ~10000 different organization that are currently using Wild Apricot. It takes time and planning and we have none now as we're preparing for 5.0 release.
Melissa Rij commented
I don't understand why this cannot be fixed quickly. It's just a formula that needs to be changed to round to the nearest whole number. I'm sorry, but I think this is pretty poor customer service. The formula that does the prorating just needs to be edited.
Thank you.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No, no timeline, sorry. Not soon.
Melissa Rij commented
I would like to request this feature be added also. I would like the prorated fee to be rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Do you know when this might be added?
Thank you.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Are you using online payments in WA - or manual (offline) payments only?
Also, can you elaborate about Swiss Frank not using cents - I've never heard of that before.