More flexible groups/bundles
More flexible groups/bundles. Need to be able to create groups of members with different membership levels and have an administrator for that group (read only or edit selectable) who is not responsible for financial transactions.
Parent Booster USA currently has four membership levels germane to this discussion:
Basic -- $195 to join, $95 to renew
Get Legal -- $295 to join, $95 to renew
Get Legal, Stay Legal -- $495 to join $395 to renew
School Administrator -- Free, but with limited benefits
I need to be able to set up groups of members containing members at each membership level. Typically there's a school administrator member who doesn't pay for renewal of the other members, but will make sure they do renew. The school administrators typically log on once a year to see who's paid. They absolutely don't want/won't do administrator functions.
Bundles require separate membership levels that aren't meaningful to us. Groups let me keep track of collections of members, but I can't pass that authority on to the school administrator member.
Teresa Walker commented
I'm using groups because that is the only place I see to track committees. It would be nice to have a place to select group positions (ie administrator, chair, vice chair, secretary, etc.).
And not limit group participants to members only. -
WJ Dorman commented
It would be very useful for us to have different categories of member groups, groups that individual members could opt into (e.g. a mailing list) and groups to which they could be assigned by system administrators (e.g. members who had satisfied a particular administrative requirement).
In addition, it would be very useful if we could make some pages on our website (or certain events) invisible or otherwise inaccessible to certain member groups.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Dan, thanks for the input, this is quite helpful.
Over time we have learned not to publish the roadmap for the long-term since we constantly receive tons of new information (new wishlist requests, things that change in the industry, our marketing plans, thousands of support interactions and hundreds of client surveys each month) and revise it at least a couple of time a year. So for now the only firm plan is for things already in development or testing, currently this is 4.5 (~March) and 5.0 (~July), see
The subsequent version 5.1 is in early design stages.
We typically provide updates via our blog - as in one of the links above.
So for a given request it's not possible to predict the timeline until it's selected into a particular release.
Dan Cavanaugh commented
This kind of setup absolutely is common. In my own scenario I have family memberships for a swim club. The parent member should have no fee but each child should and I discount for each child; 1st $250 2nd $195 3rd $150 4th and on $110
I cannot find any way to do this without manually handling all finanacial transactions.
BTW, I hate to see those replies such as 'this is not something we are going to work on in the near future'. Is there a published roadmap of the platform? What is being worked on and what timeline is in place for enhancement requests?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks, it's clear now. But I can say this is not something we are going to work on in the nearest future, sorry.
Anyways, I would love to hear comments from others about this kind of setup - is it a common scenario?