Complex price calculation
Calculation fields - big need! We need the simple variety, such as ordering shirts, and more complex ones, like this:
select arrival day
select departure day
select housing upgrade
final price = # daysrate + # daysupgrade rate
Right now to collect this data we have two fields, one with 6 options and one with 12 options, and they have to be manually reviewed to make sure they match up. We could put them into one field, but then it turns into about 24 options.
It would be a relatively simple calculation if the system had that ability.

ow5400 commented
The new event registration types are very hard to set-up and lack the ability to make financial calculations, such as 3 @ $6 = $18. Working around requires more registration types than necessary. I have mentioned this before and it is hard for me to understand , given the sophistication of other parts of the software, it hasn't been implemented.
dpylant commented
I have a client wishing automatic selection of 'Region' based on the state field.
For instance, if a member selects Oregon, then they would automatically be placed in the Northwest region and a field would indicate they are in the Northwest Region in their profile (searchable too).
Michael Hamilton commented
What we need is the ability to require the first registration per company to be paid before a member can get discounted rates on second and subsequent members.
This may require more than a change in the event code; that is, allowing membership by company, with a number of persons or contacts per member.
Briony commented
Re your comment that you give seniors discount and doing this 'manually' - how do you actually offer the discount - is by a registration type or do they have to apply for a certain type of membership?
Out board wants to offer a pensioner discount across the full range of registration types and I'm trying to work out how best to apply this.
Manhy thanks in advance,
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks, this example is very useful!
jlampl commented
Here is our example:
For an Event.
Full Price $750
Early Bird Discount Subtract $150
Member Discount Subtract $100
Student Price Subtract $150 (can't be used in addition to the above discounts)
Outside lodging Subtract $100
shooter commented
I'd just like to calculate current age of members. If "Date of Birth" is one of your fields, "Age Today" is easily calculated.
We give discounts to seniors 70 and older. As of now, this is a manual process.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate comments from other clients - especially specific calculation examples.
One big challenge is how these kind of calculations are to be set up - what kind of interface to enter these formulas. Any suggestions/examples you saw in other systems would be appreciated too.