Ability to change event registration to another person from the same company
I am not sure how many others face this, but we often run into situations where I need to update an event attendee record - i.e., change the name and email address of the attendee if the organization needs to substitute someone for the originally-registered attendee. The invoice does not update with the new individual's information so when we send invoices out, they are inaccurate. It would be very helpful if the invoicing and event registration systems could be integrated to allow us to make updates to the invoice as well. Thank you for your consideration!

Dena Culpepper commented
We still run into this issue. A person from an organization is no longer employed and they want to transfer registration to another. Payment has been issued and we would like to either simply edit the attendee info and/or merge the payment to the new attendee.
Treasurer commented
We also encounter this problem. It is not as significant for us to register the new individual--it would be nice, however, to have a way to settle the refund for the original registrant with the invoice for the new registrant.
Katie Fritz commented
We do manually delete and create new registrations when an organization wants to transfer the registration to someone else. This mostly happens when the person attending isn't in our system yet, so they can't get the member rate, so another bundle member registers for them (we're still working on teaching bundle admins how to add members).
This happens several times a year, and it would be handy if we could re-link an event registration, invoice and payment to a different account. Not critical though.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I might misunderstood you - it looks like in your scenario you need to 'unlink' event registration from old contact and 'link' it to another one, which is not possible now. What you need to do is to register new person manually and delete old registration.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
The reason is that when you update event registration details, contact details are not updated - there are considered as two different "forms". I agree, that this is very unclear design choice and we have a dedicated discussion on that - http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8825800-event-registration-form-to-update-contact-profile
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for posting, I would appreciate comments from others who encounter this.