Email macro for organisation address, telephone and e-mail
It would be great to have a macro for the organisation address, telephone and e-mail.
We have just moved offices and we had to update all of our email templates manually, which becomes a large task when you have individually customised event e-mails and can't just update the default e-mail template. With a macro linked to organisation details, it would have just updated automatically.
If you were to introduce an e-mail signature as suggested on another post, it would be helpful if that signature was made up of macros for address etc.
Many thanks

JSingh commented
We would like our office location in the various automated emails sent by WA to our members. We can do this with copy and paste but if we move offices, it becomes a task to update all our default emails. Instead, if we had a macro that pastes our organization location into an email, then we just have to update our organization information and now all our emails will have the correct address.
Anonymous commented
Read: - since it is important to add a postal address to email message, an address macro would be important.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks, good note.