CC list for system emails.
When sending out automated emails WA doesn't include a cc list in either the email header or the email body. For newer clubs or clubs that distribute administrative functions widely among volunteers, this means that when an email goes out, the (indirect) recipients don't necessarily know who else is seeing the email. And that means unnecessary FYI emails get sent after the fact.
Would it be easy to add a cc list to the bottom of the system generated emails that lists the adminstrative recipients? (by name rather than by email) Perhaps this should be an option, as some clubs may have externally managed distribution lists, which would render this option less than useful to them.

Rick Rogers commented
Sorry for the lack of clarity and the clear mistake regarding the email header. I should have double checked before posting. It was actually a reply from a member to an automated renewal email that didn't have the cc'ed admins. WA obviously can't control whether someone hits reply-all when responding to the renewal email or not.
Some email clients don't include the cc list from the initial email in a reply. However, if in the text of the email the cc list was included, the recipient(s) of the reply that may be on the guild's executive but not an admin, would still be able to find the email addresses of the admins involved. Then, rather than having to forward to an administrator, who then has to reforward to the membership admins, the email can be properly directed.
Ideally, the role and persons in the role would be listed. That will also help to educate people about which emails flow to which roles set up in WA.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Well, actually, whenever automatic admin copy of an email is sent, all admin recipients are listed in the email (as CC). Can you give me specific example of email?