Database Fields Custom Validation - e.g. regular expression, IBAN Bank number, phone
While I am pleased with the site overall, it's clear that it does lack some features that I consider essential, although not critical.
One such feature is field validation of database records.
Currently there is very limited field validation.
I would request more robust import and user entry field validation capabilities to keep data clean. Without this capability, the database very quickly starts to contain garbage fields.
For example, currently a user may enter their phone number in any format they choose, including completely invalid phone number entries. The same is true for zip code fields and others.
RedMountainMakers commented
I'd like to add another vote for this request.
Within our membership, we have some members for whom second emails (they have an official role email, as well as their personal one) and second phone numbers are required.
Also US zip codes (we request this in lieu of land addresses - allows us to map membership location while respecting some members' wishes not to make land address information available)
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Joined to existing thread - it belongs here, to custom database field validators.
Arthur Barton commented
In Europe in order to be able to collect Membership Fees by direct debit it is necessary to record the IBAN Bank number of members. (There are other safety conditions that need to met but they need not concern us here.)
The IBAN number has a specific format , for example:
DE11 7016 9619 0000 0699 99
Because it such a long alpha/numeric input, spacing the input into groups of 4 characters will help to avoid mistakes and subsequent confusion.
It would be useful to have a field which has this input format as a pull down option for Bank Account Details.
Arthur Barton, MELTA Germany
Judy Nelson-Moore commented
Adding my vote in favor of edits on form fields. My example: Ability to make an event registration field that accepts only whole numbers. When we register our members for art shows, we always have to go in and edit their entries to make the show labels...very time consuming. Other fields not edited in membership fields make the database messy. For example, initial caps on names and phone number formats.
Elizabeth Bass Webmaster commented
I concur -- validation is an issue for me.
Fields that could use validation:
Name -- capitalization rules
Phone number -- (###) ###-####
Zip Code -- limit to 5 numerical digits or 5+4
Email address -- such as a javascript: [a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_{|}~-]+(?:.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2}|com|org|net|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum)\b
Other ID -- Our organization is a local chapter of a national organization with membership numbers that are always 5 numerical digits
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I think that we need to have some kind of common validation patterns plus ability to use regular expressions. And admin (in fields management form) can choose if he want the field to be validated and choose a proper validation pattern or defined custom (regular expression). Then the system will just validate the field against the pattern.
In more ideal situation I can think of a special system page (or may just some theme override configuration file?) where admin can control validation patterns himself somehow (e.g. through regular expressions or even providing some js code) and then use them in fields customization. This approach would require advanced skills from administrator.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for bringing this up Steve.
I would appreciate comments from others, especially specific examples of fields where validation would be beneficial. So far phone numbers and zip codes have been mentioned.
Also, some questions:
1) How to handle validation:
a) post-input (allow any entry, validate and display error)
b) display formatting and enforce valid input only. E.g. .'('&[field_for_three_digits]&')-'&[field_for_3_digits]&'-'&[field_for_4_digits]
2) How to deal when records are imported
3) How to deal with records already in the database
Maurine Killough commented
Yes, I am surprised Wild Apricot has not seen this as a priority. Inconsistent formats on phone numbers and zip codes looks unprofessional.
Anthony S. commented
Another vote for this feature.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No update, sorry. I probably there will be no update here till the end of the year.
texasclub commented
any update on this? It would be nice to have all my phone numbers look the same in the directory rather than having to manually format them in excel from time to time.
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
An additional suggestion for this it to set it up not just so that the data conforms to a certain format, but also to make sure that the value entered into the field meets certain other conditions.
For example, you may be running a site that requires people belong to a certain email domain to join, like .org or .gov. You could set up a mask field on so that not only do you verify that an email is entered, but that the email ends in either .org or .gov.
Alec Ko commented
Since there is no numeric field define, at least there should be entry field mask. E.g. ###.## for number ****** for 5 characters. *#*#*# for postal code, etc.
Dave F commented
it would be nice to have a phone number field that would correct format numbers instead of having a free form text field resulting in several different formats.
Tim commented
I should like to be able to set a mask on text fields in the member record so that data entered by users in those fields was correctedly formatted.
Uses would include telephone numbers and postal/zip codes where a correct reponse follows a consistant format.