Using macros in a page content
Could you consider a feature by which administrators can add MACRO's to the members only pages similar to the features available to us in confirmation emails?
I remember reading somewhere in the help area (and I cannot find it now) where one can add "Welcome [[INSERT NAME HERE]]" to the members only home page but I remember the process being quite tedious.
When my members login, I like to have a simple message that says
Welcome [[name]]Your [[membership level]] expires on [[Renewal Due Date]]

Robin Sapiro commented
This idea had been around now for 8 and a half years and commented as a good idea by WA over 5 years ago.
You already have the {MACRO NAME} function embedded in the email editor - how difficult would it be to embed same into the web page editor.
And while that is being done - also add the ability to add site variables as Macros.
A really simple way to do that would be to have a specific contact/member that is designated as the SiteMacro and then have all the fields in that contact defined as {SITE_FIELD_NAME} and these could be added into any web page or email. The Site macros would resolve whether a user is logged on or not. -
Eric commented
While many of the comments are contained to current macros we all have seen available from Wild Apricot. I think having macros in page content areas and expand macros or all custom macros so those who know how to program or write macros for WA can create ones like # of views a profile has had, favoriting a profile, recent activity count (sum of comments, event registrations) just to name a few. These are fun stats so you can build engage with your members and so how they are contributing to company's mission and objectives but displaying it on their own member only homepage.
Craig Norberg-Bohm commented
Hi all,
Yes, I agree that we need a macro system for our webpage content. I personally would want to add our organization's contact information, pulling from the system settings. Change the settings, and these references would follow. A specific Gadget that configures Org information on an About Us page could be suitable solution for me. Many thanks, Craig -
Robin Sapiro commented
While rather limited in function - you can try the following either in an HTML gadget or also in an HTML Snippet within a regular text gadget.
<script type="text/javascript">(function() { var container = document.querySelector('.loggedName') || document.querySelector('.loginBoxProfileLink'); if (container) { document.write(container.innerText.replace(/[\n\r]/g, '') || 'Guest'); } else { document.write('<div class="userClass_FirstName"></div>');
WA.PageParsed(function() { var container = document.querySelector('.loggedName') || document.querySelector('.loginBoxProfileLink'), out = document.querySelector('.userClass_FirstName'); if (out) { out.innerHTML = (container ? container.innerText.replace(/[\n\r]/g, '') || 'Guest' : 'Guest'); }}, window);}})();</script>
For a signed on member it will show their full name.
Not at all sure where I found this or if it can be tweaked to show any other data relating to the member -
Bridget Weide Brooks commented
Being able to put the person's name on the login page would be very helpful for member retention!
Stephan Armstrong commented
Great idea! Would personalize and greatly improve visitor experience on site.
Fabio Correa commented
Reviving this thread. This is a great idea! Is this feature in the works?
Walt Bilofsky commented
Great idea!
This made me think that perhaps it could be implemented as part of a more general macro facility.
Jessica Riggleman commented
Has this still not been implemented? I was trying to use this today on my site and it doesn't seem to be working.
bsowards commented
+1 Adding macro functionality to pages! This would be great and add a lot of utility to pages
Site Admin commented
Love the idea of being able to use Macros to personalize the user's experience. 2 thumbs up!
Mia Schober-King commented
Agree. A membership card printing feature is much needed.
WLR commented
Hello! I would also like to see the ability to add macro to pages. A customized "Hello {Contact_First_Name}, you a currently a {Member_Level} member." On a benefits pages would make our association look good.
I am also exploring options for a "print your own" membership card as many medical sites do now. That would make me look good! :)
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Very good comment about certificates - thanks for sharing!
MLAEliza commented
I would like this also. In fact I tried to do this today because it seemed so natural that it would work and then was surprised I could not. I was going to have a certificate of membership they could print out if they needed to prove their membership to someone.
stanleyfelix commented
I would also be very interested in this feature, perhaps its something you are planing on rolling out with the upcoming release.
Basically it would be really nice to have members login and find a dashboard like page with a greeting (Hi Member-Name) containing all the information pertaining to their account, current event registrations, past event registrations, any balance owed, etc.
All of these functions already exist in WA but in my opinion are all scattered in different areas. It would be nice to be able to get all of them from one screen.
Let me know your thoughts on this.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
This is a very nice suggestion - I'm surprised it has not been mentioned before. Using macros inside any (restricted) page will allow to place some personalized message.