Member Log-in Pop-Up
It would be awesome if we could have a pop-up message to appear when members log in. For example, we would like for existing members to update their profile upon logging in. I don't want it to display everytime they log in so we would need to be able to control how often or when it displays.

patrick swift commented
pop up message shows up on member login to renew membership they click it and it takes them to their member profile. This lets them bypass our hold harmless agreement. I need to stop and turn this popup off asap.
Rob commented
This might be a nice feature to grab someone's attention. Say... remind them that there are only X days left to register for such 'n such event.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
You mean that you (as admin) need a way to setup a text for the message and also control when it should appear?
Would it be enough if a member is redirected to his profile after logging in?