Display tags in event listing
It would be great to display the tags (labels/categories) assigned to each event in the published event listing and or calendar. I would like to make these tags visible to the public when registering, as they contain information that is potentially useful to the registrant.
I looked the online guide and forums, but could not find an answer to this question. A simple check box when setting up the event (Display tags for this listing? Check here) would suffice.

JT commented
Search options by tags or within calendars to allow people to find events more rapidly by category.
ChicagoGreenTech commented
I register people for different seminars that qualify for one of six certificates through my organization. Some seminars count toward more than one certificate. Rather than write each of these in the event description, I would rather click on the appropriate 'tag' (certificate track), and then have that displayed to the public so they can know instantly which certificate an event/seminar counts towards.
Save me a little writing/copying/pasting and the certificate tracks don't change, so once the are inputted that's it...I just have to click on the tag to apply them for all to see.
I hope this makes more sense.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Why is this valuable? Could you please provide examples?