Show restricted access page in menu but require password to access
Right now whatever you want to protect or restrict access to, you have to put it under a "Restricted Access" functional page.
And whatever that is in that page is invisible, unless you log in.
Two suggestions/wish list....
Capability to designate each page whether it is to be password protected or not, without putting it under a restricted functional page. Having to create pages under "Restricted Access" limits flexibility and intuitiveness in arranging the pages.
Have those password protected pages menus be visible, even without logging in, but require password to proceed any further.

Jan commented
Is this possible now? It's 3rd quarter 2013—thought this feature was available last year? I can't seem to make it work.
Thanks Jan
Shelbi Hoffman commented
Yes, it would be beneficial to have the option to display or hide restricted pages in the menu. For membership based sites it would be a way to entice people to join. I have created a workaround on one of my client's site, but it involves creating an extra menu item and landing page. When visitors click Member Directory they are taken to a page gives them the option to view the public page or join to view the private page. This solutions will work until the functionality is added to WA.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
In the very next release any page access to be controlled separately (no RAS pages anymore). But for showing all pages in menu - cannot promise.
kimbaco6 commented
Any word on the status of this feature?
I would like all my menu items to be seen by users who are not logged in.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I joined your post to already existing thread about same suggestion.
Michael Shore commented
I believe that we'll get a substantial amount of traffic to our new site next week when we launch it. If those visitors were able to "see" the member-only content links that they don't have access to without being a member, I think it would entice them to sign up. Having those links be visible would provide an opportunity at a glance for someone to see what they're missing as opposed to having to read through a list of member benefits. Thanks!
Michael Shore commented
It would be great to have the option to keep restricted access menu link options visible with the "lock" icon. I think it would encourage visitors to become members if they actually got to see all of the menu options that they can't get at. Right now, outside of them taking the time to read our membership benefits page, they may not see the "value" that the site offers. Thanks.
Dmitry Buterin commented
#1 is part of what we do in CMS redesign - will be available in version 5.0 (Q1 2012)
So let's focus this thread on #2. This has come up before and I would like to get more input/comments:
Should restricted pages always be hidden from menu/shown in menu/user choice? And why.
anonymous_96.44.245.50 commented
Current behavior:
Member-only pages are not visible to public visitors. Only logged in members are able to see these pages in the navigation menu.Desired behavior:
Allow member-only pages to be visible in the menu. If a public user clicks on the page in the menu, show a login page.Workaround:
Create a public page that links to or redirects to the member-only page