Members to be able to manage an event
NOTE: There is already a thread about allowing members to submit their own events. This thread is expands upon that by requesting to also give members the ability to manage those event.
My organization is focused on triathlons and members are the main driver of training events. One of the primary functions of the organization's website is to allow members to post and manage their own events. They don't need approval though we do keep an eye out for abuse.
The type of functionality a member would need to manage an event would be basic CRUD of the event itself as well as the abilty to email the RSVP participants directly in order to send out updates about the event. Financial transactions would not be a part of this (i.e. linking into WA's payment functionality).
RSVP's for our events are limited to members only (side note: it would be nice if a privileged user could have the ability to create an event that allowed non-members to register).
Because this capability is so critical to our organization's functioning, not having it is a show-stopper.

John Harper commented
Allowing members to organize micro-events and interact with other members who RSVP to those events would be good for our group as well. We are also an outdoors activity group for which a small group for a particular event is enough. Micro-events would attract RSVPs from other members if posted on a calendar of such events with links to a one click registration RSVP (subject to an optional participant number limit imposed by organizer). Would be great to be able to email the list of upcoming micro-events to other members with a direct link to that event to RSVP. Events would be free so this does not need to integrate with financial functions or payments.
chinup98 commented
The lack of this functionality is the only hurdle preventing us from switching to Wild Apricot.
Our club is an outdoor organization that relies on members to post and organize group events (hiking, biking, camping) for other members. It will be very cumbersome to have to rely on administrator to keep the event information up-to-date and to communicate with event participants.
Our website contract is up for renewal in 6 months, and we would seriously consider Wild Apricot if indeed this functionality will be available within a year.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I think this quite a good idea but it's not likely that we're going to have a progress here for at least a year.
rapdup commented
My organization is a triathlon club. One of the most important and most frequently used features on our site is a member driven event/workout calendar. It is how our member coordinate almost all of their training activities.
It would be great to have the ability to allow members to create/update/delete events that only other members can RSVP to. Also, a feature that allowed the event host to email all those who have RSVP'd would be handy.
Dmitry Buterin commented
What do you mean by 'basic CRUD'??