Event Attendees Should Have Ability to Send Emails to Other Attendees
We would like all event attendees to have the ability to send an email to other attendees and event leaders. Right now only the event admin can send an email to all of the attendees. We have events where the attendees would like to set up carpools with each other. It would be really helpful if they had the ability to do this.

sean - not sure, what you mean. Currently event administrator can send emails to event attendees. Or what is "event host" in your case? Is it a non-admin person?
UPDATE: I saw your comment here - http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/9478500-multiple-organizers-for-a-single-event - this clarifies it.
sean commented
I would like to see the event Host have the ability to send an email to all registered attendees.
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate comments from others who might have a similar need.
This has to be handled carefully to protect privacy of each registrant.