Fast registration or Simplify buying registrations to multiple events or multiple registrations in one event
At the moment, it is not possible to register for multiple events at the same time, or link to the next event after registering for one event on Wild Apricot. This functionality would have been extremely helpful for a recent conference for Children's Hospital that we set up through you...would it be possible to add this feature?
(Malcolm de C) I represent two organisations where the ability to register for multiple events in a single visit would encourage more to registrations and reduce the burden on central administrators who are often asked to register for multiple events on behalf of members.
Perhaps from the List view of upcoming events it might be possible to add a check box to the dialogue box displaying the summary of the event. If there is then a general registration button that looks for all 'checked events' could it be possible to take the user through all 'checked' registrations. The problem, I believe, is always having to find your way back to the event list following each registration - not easy for everyone!

I merged another very similar thread into this one, they should be solved together – the registration to multiple events should be simple and fast if possible. There are a number of suggestions in comments on how to achieve this.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Ah, you mean allow admin to quickly register a bunch of people. The list of people can be received from a member group or form a saved search.
Mia Schober-King commented
In place of people having to register for an event, this function could be completed by an administrator--either individuals or groups.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Not sure what you mean by adding people to an event. Can you please give an example?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I'm not sure I fully understand your question. Can you check this article and if this is not what you need, then can you please elaborate a little more?
Ed Tobias commented
I created two event types for event # 1947185. One is named "dinner" and the other "tour." I would like for registrants to be able to sign up for either event or for both, but the registration form will only allow a single button to be selected.
I would like to have an option that would allow someone to register for multiple events on the same registration form.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No, the title is about multiple event registrations and want to keep the focus here exactly on it. I understand your point and this is usability problem. It's not yet on our radar (see Roadmap ), but as soon as we can see enough interest from different customers, we will add it there. For now, it stays here, waiting and collecting comments.
Linda Banning commented
[quote user="MPA"]Would love to be able to manually register a contact for multiple events at a time from a check box list without having to go through the process of registering for each event separately. Would save a ton of time for manual registrations…..[/quote]
I very recently set up registration for an event for which a members could select registration to any or all of three classes at $270 each. Most have selected all three. They had to register separately and pay separately for each one. It was a clunky process and they were not very happy. I knew that a user could have backtracked to the original selection page to add another class registration before going to the SSL checkout page which would have then placed their multiple registrations on one invoice, but how could I expect them to get that?
It seems this thread segued off to discussing the ability to renew membership and register for an event at the same time so the title subject was lost - or I missed it.
Is there a way to do the multiple registrations I am referring to?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
You may also want to look at another thread -
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
About renewal + event registration: it's already working. You can go, renew membership (but do not pay right away), then register for event and pay for both invoices in one payment.
[Deleted User] commented
multiple item checkout, would be great!
if your membership is not up to date, to be able to have one checkout with membership renewal and one or more event registrations would be super.
MPA commented
Would love to be able to manually register a contact for multiple events at a time from a check box list without having to go through the process of registering for each event separately. Would save a ton of time for manual registrations…..
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
You can use multiple choice field in the registration form, instead of different registration types.
abbyschroll commented
We are a Chamber of Commerce and we will be hosting our 3rd annual clambake this year and we wanted to open registration online and have multiple menu options but it is not allowing us to register for multiple items on the same registration. Can you help?
edwardsp commented
My organization hosts a national event which has a "gate fee" as well as additional events to register for. Some of the additional events are team events. AND you gotta pay to play!
This a complicated registration and payment database which requires many hours of manual entry.
If the WA event registration offered multiple registrations on the same page at a minimum that would help us tremendously with registration and payment. I think we could then handle the team angle manually.
I've seen others with this same problem, hope it's moving up the Apricot ladder.
Kerrie-Anne commented
I'd love to see something like this as well - a bit like an event shopping cart where users (members and/or non-members) can select the multiple events and register for them all at the same time.
In my case it would need to tally up event fees where applicable and ideally itemise all events on the invoice as separate line items (rather than generate one invoice per event)
Bill Tidball commented
I would agree with several posts on this thread concerning allowing multiple registration types for guests.
Allowing registration of multiple adults and at the same time multiple children at age related guest prices is exactly the scenario we're currently faced. I've found no way to manage it within the WA system. Is it possible to update us on this request?
Evelyn W commented
We also need the feature of selecting a different registration type for each registrant in a member/guest registration scenario.
We charge a per family penalty fee of $75 if people register after June 1st for our annual event. Right now we can set up that fee in the Registration Type field for $75, but then it is assessed for the member and each guest. So a family of 4 results in a registration fee of $300, not $75.
Our workaround is to make the member sign up for the event with a registration fee of $75 and the guests with a separate log in and registration fee of $0. We end up with multiple registrations for a family. This is very confusing for our members, hard for us to keep track of, and not a good system.
ctsocietydc commented
My organization would very much like this. We usually have a mix of members and non-members registering for an event; often, a member would register for an event fro themselves and a few friends, some of which might be non-members. So, we definitely could use the option of registering guests at different levels than the individual initiating the registration.
Kim Skimmons commented
Hi. You are correct -- I'd still like to have different registration types for each registrant. Recently I had to setup a Ski Trip event. Each registrant had 5 "packages" to choose from depending on whether they wanted to ski or snowboard, if they wanted a lesson package plus whether or not they needed to rent a helmet. The person who initially setup the event, logically created the event and added 5 registration types, one for each "package". However, when mom signed up for the ski trip, she chose the ski package for herself then proceeded to "add a guest" to register her son. Her son wanted to snowboard, but she couldn't figure out how to specify that and they both ended up with ski packages and the pricing was wrong.
I had to recreate the event with one registration type: "Sign up for the ski trip" that was "free". Then on the registration form, I had to create extra-cost options for each package. This worked, but it was not intuitive. Would be much easier to just be able to choose the reg type for each registrant.
PA Chiefs Association commented
PA Chiefs will second Kim's suggestion- for our conference registration, different registration types for different types of guests would be helpful (i.e. our spouses register for "ladies events" that the members wouldn't attend and guest children have children's activities they can be registered for that adults won't attend).
We'd like to see the option added that once you create the guest registration option- to then have the option to create a whole new "guest registration" with fields that are different from the event regstration that the member is filling out. As of now we have the option to just have either the "guest's" name, all of their contact information and/or fill out the exact same fields as the person who is registering them.
We hope this will come along soon. Thanks apricots; the updates are appreciated!