Selecting roommates during registration
We do multiple Ski Tours each year. Each registrant registers and selects the room type and roommate configuration. ie: Double, triple etc up to seven roommates( three bedroom units).
1) During our registrations for events, we request whom the registrant would like to share a hotel room with. This in turn allows us to match up persons with the rooms and discover how many rooms are actually required for our trips/tours.
Is there a way to have a lookup table inserted or access to the membership list at that time so they could just select their roommate/s from the list. This way would eliminate the numerous errors in spelling of the roommates name and the formatting errors when they enter a name.
No option I could find to do this.
Option two would be to be able to enter first name and last name in two separate boxes in a table.
number of rows would depend on number of roommates.
No option for this either??
Ronald Brown
No perfect idea for automating such kind of registrations, except that adding fields for maximum amount of roommates into each registration form and properly instruct registrants.