Membership point system
Is there a point system that members can earn and then redeem for gift or service?

- commented
We also would like to see this feature. While membership can be either active or non, we may see members return to activation and would like points to be bridged, so point accumulation should be somewhat within admin control. We also have a desire to have a learning system tied to our WA. as such learning credit tracking would be a logical use of a user points system.
Andrew commented
Agree that some system of participation recognition is important. We also are a club that offers programming and participation in events is tracked and points are assigned. We also track purchases from sponsor vendors and award points for that also. I can create simple fields but then attendance is still a manual function. having a sub system handle this to a defined point "inventory system" would be a great tool!
Anonymous commented
We would like to be able to automatically assign points to members based on event participation and purchases. This would let us reward members based on their yearly participation.
i.e. If I volunteer at an event that could be worth x-number of points. At the end of the year the that member could be rewarded with membership or product purchase discounts.
Patrick, how would you distinguish active members?
Patrick Cunningham commented
i would like to be able to provide a code to active members in their member area on the website