Show who created event, who last edited it, and when.
In an organization with a lot of admins, it is helpful for admins to be able to see who posted and who changed an event listing. Please record this automatically and show it on the Event details view.
For extra credit, provide a checkbox so the admin editing the event can make theirself the event organizer without having to go to the Emails view.

Stephen Garrett commented
We are desperate for this functionality. We are having event data disappear and have no idea what or who is doing this. If it is a person doing this through ignorance or maliciousness, we would like to know who. If it is not a person, then it could be a bug somewhere. This info would sure help a ton. Please consider adding this log somewhere.
Jeff commented
This would be a good feature to have. We could see who last updated an event or who created it.
Diane Comstock commented
We also have multiple event admins each responsible for creating multiple events for groups. I, as the full admin, am often told that a particular event has not been set up properly. It would be very helpful to know who made the last change and what it was.
Bud Davis commented
An event is posted and system organizer field is not changed. When I as System Admin want to help, I cannot see who created the event
Dennis Parker commented
Where we can always see who creates and edits pages, and who creates emails. We cannot see who creates and edits events. Is it possible to make this very advantageous addition?
Anonymous commented
Please add a log of who has made changes to events/emails - things other than just financial. The finance section has an audit log - a log of who has made which changes - it would be great to see who has made changes to announcements, emails, reminders, etc.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I'm surprised that nobody commented this - it looks like quite a reasonable request. This also go along with another similar request - - but I consider having information on who added/edited event last time as a separate change.
I've added this into our analysis queue.
Dmitry Buterin commented
OK, thanks
MitchB commented
with multiple events being added by multiple admins you could very easily see when each was added and by whom. Also if changes were made to the event you would be able to track & see who made those changes & when
Also sorting events by date created, date modified & what admins made what events would create better organization without having to search threw each event. Currently the only way to organize your events is my their respective active dates of when the events are.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Mitch, I would appreciate any examples of situations when a log like this would come handy.
MitchB commented
An Event editing log would be nice.
Event Created By: Person, on: Date
Event Edited By: Person, On: Date -
Dmitry Buterin commented
This makes sense.
Anyone else - comments, is this important for you too?
Peter Litwin commented
We have many event admins on our site who add events to our calendar. We would like the ability to know who has added an event if the leader/adder of the event fails to include their name. This has already happened a number of times and it is becoming a problem. We do, of course, stress that leaders need to include themselves as the leader. But it seems as though this should be logged with all events and be traceable.
Thank you.