Allow extra charge calculation price to 5 significant digits
We need pricing to 5 significant decimal places in the extra charge field. it works for the fee price but not for extra cost.
We use the extra charge calculation to get around many of the limits of the event system. When we price to the nearest penny the after tax cost for 1 person is $30 and for two people is $59.99. it raises questions when trying to reconcile the bank statement and pricing to 5 decimal places would be the easiest solution and consistent with QuickBooks. Our goals are
Pretax prices for extra cost and event fees - we want to price events in pretax numbers so that sales tax is reported on the invoice in accordance with state law
Round number after tax price - We want a round number collected at the door in cash. $30 per 1 person including tax
No rounding errors - We have a ten percent tax rate so the pretax price that arrives at $30 is $27.27273 which we can use in an event fee. With extra cost price at 27.27 we have one ticket for $30 after tax, two tickets are $59.99 after tax
Is this as simple as changing the form (i.e. the variable is already numeric)?
Bill Herman