Disable Address Requirement on WildApricot Payments
When credit cards are processed in person using the Affinipay Mobile Swiper and the Admin app, the credit card billing address should not be required as the "Card Present" is verification enough, in addition to the input of the CCV.
Today, the platforms requires the billing address for all credit cards, with no requirement to turn that off. However, Affinipay does not require this for cases where credit card is present for the transaction. The organization should have the opportunity to disable this setting.
We process guest fees to our events as well as raffle ticket sales. The billing address requirement is a barrier as event attendees will not want to enter billing address for a $5 or $10 charge. This is made worse by some attendees previously having entered an address when performing an online payment, but that value does not pre-populate, forcing them to enter billing address or experience a declined card transaction.
At the very least, an organization should be able to disable the billing address for a card present transaction, but also should be given the option to disable for online transactions if so desired, and/or force zip code only (on both the above requirements).

Pat Webb commented
Agree with this 100%. It is a major PITA to process a credit card this way, especially since we can no longer see the member page and have to ask AGAIN for the address and phone number.
Sherry Reisman commented
I know I am late to the conversation, however, the default settings do not require the address information on a swiped/present card. If you feel like yours is still showing required, please reach out to AffiniPay and we can adjust, 855-656-4685.
Ronda Bernstein commented
The purpose is to prevent a stolen credit card from being used but it should only ask for zip code as verification. Not that you need that at say a grocery story, but if that is the purpose, then just ask for zip code.