WA Payments reconcile to monthly statement
Currently, Wild Apricot Payments is pretty good at taking credit card payments and processing them. When we receive our monthly statement from Affinipay (in Canada, it's actually Afinipay's sub-contractor FirstData), I can't get the individual payments to add up to WA's invoices or Affinipay's deposit data. This is important to prevent fraud and to know which invoices to chase for payment.
What I propose is adjusting the payment date in a WA invoice to be the date the money was actually deposited in our bank account.

Dan Lasko commented
Provide clarity about when a payment is deposited in our account. On our last bank statement, I had 18 deposits and had to figure out which members they corresponded to. We're in our membership drive, so there were 90 transactions in those 18 deposits. It was a challenge to reconcile them all.