From Email without Web Hosting
We need the ability to set the "From email" to an email at our own domain without setting Wild Apricot as our website host. We do not want to host our website with WA, we are happy with our current hosting and design. We want WA to be utilized to manage our membership and send out emails. Emails coming from "******" are getting flagged as possible phishing emails since our members have not received emails from this address previously.
Rev. Dr. Anthony Burton commented
It may be because, as I have experienced, there are phishing emails going out from people with Wild Apricot accounts.
I received one this morning, purporting to be from SquareUp, saying that I had refunded money to a client when I had not. Of course, it wanted me to log into my SquareUp account through a fake button in the email.
Jillian Dubois commented
I would like to be able to customize the "from" email depending on the kind of message being sent for automatic emails. For example, for new members, they should get an email that's "from" the membership committee chair.
Wild Apricot says this is a best practice according to #1 here:
To be able to customize the From email address in Dashboard > organization.
We need to be able to separate the SPF + DKIM records from the website validation (a record). Our website exists elsewhere and we manage membership database with Wild Apricot.