Member downloadable CSV for specified Member/Contact List Search
As an admin, I want to specify a specific saved search of the Member/Contact List and make that available to members as a downloadable CSV on a WildApricot widget or web page.
I would like this to be automatically updated at the time of download, so it's always up to date.
I would like to be able to specify which fields will appear in the CSV, as opposed to all of them exporting.

Kristen Brown commented
Glad to read this info. Thanks
Rick ETSELL commented
This seems like a fundamental need -- something every organization should have. For example, how are others handling postal mailing labels? We have a large number of fields that aren't needed for just printing mailing labels, which is done by various people with a variety of skills. It's confusing to them to have this huge spreadsheet with all the fields. I would love to be able to have saved searches that could be used, with the various regions as options, and without all the extraneous information.